Preguntas más frecuentes


  • What type of insulation is normally used to insulate the roof of a building?

Insulation can be heat proofing (temperature) and for soundproofing (noise). It must not be forgotten that insulation means protection and so, roof insulation is for protection mainly against the temperature. It is sufficient to lay material that covers this objective.

Depending on the type of roofing (tiled, flat transitable, non-transitable, etc.) different techniques are employed, all of them use materials that prevent heat entering or leaving. The most usual is to use sprayed polyethylene foam (it is that yellow coloured material you can see). It is a very insulating material and is sprayed over the surface of the roofing to give the require thickness – normally from 3 to 5 cms. By using this insulation material the effect is that the building in summer can protect itself from the heat and in winter is capable of retaining it so that the heat stays in.

On top of this material, normal building techniques are used to finish the terrace or roof either by laying tiling or flooring.

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